HRUDHARSH - The Best Cardiac Tonic
Dec 2020 - Feb 2021
Skin is the largest and most important organ as it defends the body from invading external pathogens. Skin surrounds the entire body hence more susceptible to infection with superficial fungi. In Ayurveda, all skin diseases are described under the broad heading of Kushtha. The most common fungal infections i.e. Tinea infections are cause by a fungi present in the atmosphere. It causes symptoms like redness, itching, red bordered ring patches all over the body which are similar to the Dadrukushtha according to ayurvedic diagnosis. A 27year female, diagnosed with Tinea cruris, treated with shaman chikitsausing a proprietary combination, Tablet Fungitch by Harshherbals for 60 days under the guidance of ayurvedic physicians. Significant reduction in the symptoms was reported after the treatment. Results of the study were encouraging and restricted disease progress was detected
KEYWORDS : Skin, fungal infection, tinea cruris, kushtha, dadru, skin infection.
Article Received on 09 October 2021,
Revised on 29 October 2021,
Accepted on 19 Nov. 2021
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr202114-22194
*Corresponding Author
Aishwarya Koyande
MD (RSBK), Dept. of
Sanskrit, Samhita and
Siddhant, Global Institute of
Ayurveda, Rajkot.
"Infection" in its strict sense describes the situation where microorganisms or other infectious agents become establishedin the host organism‟s cells or tissues, replicate, cause harm and induce a host response. The harmful manifestations of infection are determined by a combination of the virulence of the organism and the host response to infection. Despite the obvious benefits of an intact host response, an excessive response is undesirable. Cytokines and antimicrobial factors contribute to tissue injury at the site of infection, and an excessive inflammatory response may lead to hypotension and organ dysfunction. The contribution of the immune response to disease manifestations is exemplified by the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).
Diseases affecting the skin are common, and important because the absence of normal skin function, as well as sometimes beinglife-threatening, can severely impair quality of life. This may be exacerbated by the fact that people with skin disease can sufferthe effects of stigma, often brought about by the ill-informed understanding of others with respect to skin diseases, particularlyas regards visually disfiguring skin changes or the belief that they are contagious. Skin diseases affect all ages and there are more than 2000 different types and presentations. Assessment of the skin is valuable in the management of anyone presenting with a medical problem and, conversely, assessment of the other body systems is important when managing primary skin diseases.
Tinea cruris is a fungal infection caused by fungi. These fungi are present in atmosphere, plants and over human skin. Tinea cruris causing symptoms like redness, itching, patches over thigh region and can be unilateral or bilateral. Tinea cruris is a fungal infection caused due to dermatophyte type of fungus affecting thigh region and synonymic as jock-itch. It has raised red bordered ring like appearance which spread in inner thigh and mostly itchy.
In Ayurveda, the skin diseases are described under the broad term of Kushtharoga. Kshudraroga has been described inbrihatrayee as well as laghutrayee. The classification of Kshudraroga as given by Acharya Sushruta is basic & standard. Definition of Kushdraroga is made up of two words i.e. Kshudra and Roga. Kshudra means alpa or short / small / minor and Roga means disease. So Kshudraroga are small /short/ minor diseases. They are named Kshudraroga because their Nidan(etiology), Lakshan(clinical features) and Chikitsa(treatment) are described inKshudra i.e. in short or brief. Kshudraroga comprises of a major part of the skin diseases.
A 27 year old female patient came to the clinicwith complaints of three red-blackish patches(Mandala Utapatti) over the skin ofinner thighs, groin region (vankshanpradesha) followed by itchingsince one month. Her daily routine comprises of getting up early by 6 am followed by exercise like jogging, running and day to day activities. The patient was habitual of sleeping late at night, less fatty food, more spices and irregular food intake time. The patient was undergoing work and family stress from past three months.
The patient was complaining of three patches along with following symptoms,
Kandu - Itching over the affected areas
Raga - Redness over the affected area
Unnata Mandal utapatti - Raised border ring of the patches
Scaling - Dryness and scaling of the skin after itching
Research Design - A single subject design was used to study the effect of Fungitch tablet. As the design was convenient for explaining the action of drug.
Drug | Dose | Time | Compliance | Duration | Follow Up |
Fungitch Tablet | 2 Tablets | Three times a day after food | Potable water | 60 Days | After every 15 days |
On the zero day, the vitals of the patient came for first visit the vitals observed are following,
1. Nadi=80/min
2. Shabda = Spashta
3. Mala=Samyaka
4. Sparsha = Anushna
5. Mutra = Samyaka
6. Druka = Prakruta
7. Jivha = AlpaSama
8. Akruti = Madhyama
PR = 80/ min
Bp = 110 / 70 mm of Hg
RS = AE=BE, Clear
CVS = Conscious, oriented.
P/A = soft, no tenderness
Other medication- With Fungitch tablets, Gandhar-vaharitaki choorn in the dose of 2gm along with normal potable water was given at bedtime every day for Mrudu shodhan (laxative) purpose.
During 1st follow up at 15th day, the red patches near thighs and groin area were reduced butcomplaining of mild itching. On 2nd and 3rd follow up, the patches were reduced to half without itching. After 60 days of the treatment it was observed that itching was disappeared, and improvement in the skin appearance andtexture.
During 60 days of treatment no such side effect were observed related to the tablet given to the patient.
In present case study, Tablet Fungitch was given to patient for his complaints. According to the view of Ayurveda other supportive drugs were used like Gandhar-vaharitaki choorn for Mrudu shodhan. In initial day when treatment was started red patches and itching were severe but gradually on 2nd follow up it was decreased. As the course of treatment was going the symptoms was reducing with due time.
Tablet Fungitchis a herbo-mineral formulation consist of Arogyavadhini rasa, Sariva, Manjishtha, ShuddhaTankan, Gandhak Rasayan, Haridrakhand and triturated with Vidang, Yashtimadhu, Takala and Kumariswaras. These contents possess different properties
Sr. No. | Drug | Properties |
1 | Arogyavardhini | Anti pruritis, Anti inflammatory, Digestive stimulator, Eliminates toxins out of body, Mild laxative, Liver tonic, all type of skin disorders, balance vata pita and kapha. |
2 | Sariva | Blood purifier, Reduces toxicity of blood, useful in itching, pruritis, insect bite, neutralizes acidity of blood |
3 | Manjishtha | Antibacterial, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, immunity booster, Astringent, antifungal |
4 | Sudha Tankan | Mucolytic, fungicidal, Antipruritic, stimulates menstruation, Demulcent, anti inflammatory |
5 | Gandhak Rasayan | Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, immunity booster, antihelmenthic, kustahar, Fungal infection, blood puifier |
6 | Haridrkhand | Anti allergic, Hives, Allergic rhinitis, Itching, Prupitis |
7 | Vidang | Kushta-Kandu-Visha |
8 | Yashtimadhu | Blood Purifier |
9 | Takala | Detoxifying |
10 | Kumari | Antipruitic |
So the tablet can be used in skin disorders, allergic conditions, fungal infections and blood disorders. Hence we got the desired effect with minimal to no side effect.
Tablet Fungitch has been effective in skin disorders it can be used in microbial manifestations also
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6. Charak Samhita
7. Sushruta Samhita
8. AshtangHridyam
9. Bhavprakash
10. Yogratnaka